평화와 민주주의연구소는 정치외교학과와 공동으로 수당 해외학자 콜로키움을 개최합니다본 콜로키움은 온라인에서 진행하는 해외 정치학자 초청 강연 프로그램입니다2021년 3월 26일 금요일에  네덜란드 Leiden University의  Salvador Santino Regilme 교수와 세미나를 개최할 예정이니 많은 분들의 참석 부탁드립니다.   Salvador Santino Regilme 교수는 "Aid Imperium: United States Foreign Policy and Human Rights in Post-Cold War Southeast Asia"라는 제목의 저서를 발표할 예정입니다. 많은 참여 바랍니다. 

발표 : Salvador Santino Regilme (Leiden University) 

일시 : 2021년 3월 26일 (금요일) 오후 4:00
Zoom 링크 : https://bit.ly/2TyWe2L
회의 ID : 811 7802 7483
암호 : 1905
기타문의 : jamessuh3823@korea.ac.kr

Abstract:  Does foreign aid promote human rights? As the world’s largest aid donor, the United States has provided foreign assistance to more than 200 countries. This seminar presentation discusses the key arguments and findings from the forthcoming book Aid Imperium: United States Foreign Policy and Human Rights in Post-Cold War Southeast Asia (2021, The University of Michigan Press, Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies Book Series). Deploying global numerical data on US foreign aid and comparative historical analysis of America’s post–Cold War foreign policies in Southeast Asia, the book highlights how US strategic assistance impact physical integrity rights outcomes in recipient countries, particularly in ways that previous quantitative studies have systematically ignored. The presentation underscores the active political agency of Global South states and actors as they negotiate and chart their political trajectories with the United States as the core state of the international system. It focuses on the variation in human rights outcomes in Southeast Asia vis-à-vis the varying strategic purposes and amounts of US foreign aid over time, particularly from the early 1990s to 20116. The core argument maintains that the convergence of donor and recipient governments’ interests as well as the domestic legitimacy of the donor government shape physical integrity rights outcomes.