우리 학과 명예교수님이신 임혁백 교수님의 새로운 학술서적 출판 소식을 안내해드립니다.

저서 제목은 <Democratization and Democracy in South Korea. 1960-Present>입니다. 임혁백 명예교수님의 40년간의 한국 민주화와 민주주의 연구를 총 정리한 영문 책입니다. 


Chapter 1. Introduction: My Democratization Studies in Retrospect

Chapter 2. The Rise of Bureaucratic Authoritarianism in South Korea

Chapter 3. Recasting Park Chung Hee's Authoritarianism : Myths, Reality and Legacies

Chapter 4. Politics of Democratic Transition from Authoritarian Rule in South Korea

Chapter 5. Christian Churches and Democratization in South Korea

Chapter 6. Democratic Consolidation in South Korea: Opportunities and Constraints

Chapter 7. From Affiliation to Association: The Challenge of Democratic Consolidation in Korean Industrial Relations

Chapter 8. Faltering Democratic Consolidation in South Korea: Democracy at the End of the Three Kims Era 

Chapter 9. Development and Change of Korean Democracy Since the Democratic Transition of 1987: The Three Kims' Politics and After

Chapter 10. Democratic Development and Authoritarian Development Compared

Chapter 11. Better Democracy, Better Economic Growth? South Korea 

출처: https://www.palgrave.com/kr/book/9789811537028