Alexandra Cirone
평화와 민주주의연구소는 정치외교학과와 공동으로 수당 해외학자 콜로키움을 개최합니다. 본 콜로키움은 온라인에서 진행하는 해외 정치학자 초청 강연 프로그램입니다. 2021년1월 8일 금요일에  Cornell University의  Alexandra Cirone 교수와 세미나를 개최할 예정이

니 많은 분들의 참석 부탁드립니다.  Alexandra Cirone 교수는 "Political Dynasties in the European Parliament"라는 제목의 워킹페이퍼를 발표할 예정입니다. 발표 원고를 미리 받고 싶으신 분은로 이메일 주십시오.

발표 : Alexandra Cirone (Cornell University)
일시 : 2021년 1월 8일 (금요일) 오전 9:30
Zoom 링크 :
회의 ID : 811 7802 7483
암호 : 고려대학교 개교 연도
기타문의 :

Abstract :  Political dynasties have been documented in many countries around the world, and have significant impacts on both electoral outcomes and elite persistence; however, this phenomenon has primarily been studied in national or subnational contexts. The European Parliament, the only directly elected body in the European Union, has held elections since 1979 and provides a political arena that is multi-level and supranational. An important empirical question follows–– does dynastic behavior exist in the same way in supranational politics as it does in national politics? This paper uses a cross national dataset of MEPs in the European Parliament from 1994-2014, and maps dynastic connections to both legislator careers and electoral outcomes. I document to what extent there are dynastic politics at play in the modern EP by estimating whether elites have created dynastic connections at the EU level, and how this varies across member states. I also analyze if politicians with national dynastic links take advantage of European Parliament elections, and to what extent they have national or supranational career concerns. I find that there are EP dynasties, but that these politicians don’t necessarily behave as EU careerists. Further, I find a significant presence of MEPs with national dynastic links, and these members are less likely to participate in legislative activities. MEP dynasts are almost exclusively composed of national political families, demonstrating that political families are exploiting multi-level political institutions.