
평화와 민주주의연구소는 정치외교학과와 공동으로 수당 해외학자 콜로키움을 개최합니다본 콜로키움은 온라인에서 진행하는 해외 정치학자 초청 강연 프로그램입니다2021년 10월 22일 금요일 오전 9:00에 University of California - Los Angeles (UCLA) 의 Eric Min 교수와 세미나를 개최할 예정이니 많은 분들의 참석 부탁드립니다. Eric Min 교수는 " Painful Words: The Effect of Battlefield Activity on Conflict Negotiation Behavior  "라는 논문을 발표할 예정입니다. 많은 참여 바랍니다. 

발표 :  Eric Min  (University of California - Los Angeles)

일시 : 2021년 10월 22일 (금요일) 오전 9:00
Zoom 링크 :  https://bit.ly/3zLkt0w

회의 ID :  838 7798 5118
암호 :  1905Korea!  
기타문의 : jamessuh3823@korea.ac.kr

Abstract: How does battlefield activity affect belligerents' behavior during wartime negotiations? While scholars have studied when and why warring parties choose to negotiate, few insights explain what negotiators do once seated at the table. I argue that actors engage in obstinate negotiation behavior to signal resolve when undergoing contentious and indeterminate hostilities. I explore this claim by analyzing all negotiation transcripts and associated daily military operations reports from the Korean War. Using text-based, machine learning, and statistical methods, I show that high levels of movement or casualties in isolation produce clear information on future trends, thus yielding more substantive negotiations, while more turbulent activity featuring high movement and casualties in tandem produces cynical negotiations. Moving past contemporary literature, this study explores micro-level dynamics of conflict and diplomacy, builds a theoretical bridge between two perennial views of negotiation, and provides a framework for studying war by applying computational methods to archival documents.