
평화와 민주주의연구소는 정치외교학과와 공동으로 수당 해외학자 콜로키움을 개최합니다본 콜로키움은 온라인에서 진행하는 해외 정치학자 초청 강연 프로그램입니다2021년 12월 3일 금요일 오후 4:30에 Princeton University 의 Andrew Guess 교수와 세미나를 개최할 예정이니 많은 분들의 참석 부탁드립니다. Guess 교수는 
 "Does Social Influence Shape Online Political Expression?”  라는 논문을 발표할 예정입니다. 많은 참여 바랍니다. 

발표 : Andrew Guess (Princeton University)

일시 : 2021년 12월 3일 (금요일) 오후 4:30

제목:   "Does Social Influence Shape Online Political Expression?”
기타 문의: jamessuh3823@korea.ac.kr

접속 링크: https://bit.ly/3DmH85Q   
회의 ID: 840 4223 0710
비밀번호: 1905Korea!


Expressing opinions on social media has become a standard form of participation in the political process, but we know little about the factors that shape it. In this paper, we investigate the role of social context. Decades after the development of the canonical "Spiral of Silence" model, the public sphere has radically shifted toward a networked space mediated by social platforms. We articulate a theory of social influence in social media expression and test it by analyzing unique datasets linking U.S. survey respondents to their public Twitter accounts. To measure political expression, we develop and validate a supervised classifier of tweet-level ideology and apply it to respondents' tweets and the tweets of people they follow. We find that the ideology of Twitter followees' tweets is predictive of respondents' own expressed ideology on Twitter, even after holding constant self-reported ideological predispositions. Finally, we propose an experimental study in which we directly manipulate Twitter users’ networks, allowing us to measure over-time changes in opinion expression.