
평화와 민주주의연구소는 정치외교학과와 공동으로 수당 해외학자 콜로키움을 개최합니다본 콜로키움은 온라인에서 진행하는 해외 정치학자 초청 강연 프로그램입니다2021년 12월 10일 금요일 오전 9:00에 Columbia University 의 Nikhar Gaikwad교수와 세미나를 개최할 예정이니 많은 분들의 참석 부탁드립니다. Gaikwad 교수는 "
How Overseas Opportunities Shape Political Preferences: A Field Experiment on International Migration” 라는 논문을 발표할 예정입니다. 많은 참여 바랍니다. 

발표 : Nikhar Gaikwad (Columbia University)

일시 : 2021년 12월 10일 (금요일) 오전 9:00

제목: "How Overseas Opportunities Shape Political Preferences: A Field Experiment on International Migration

접속 링크: https://korea-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/89168075806?pwd=NkxhMldwaFcyUnhycGlFd09vcVgrUT09
Meeting ID: 891 6807 5806
Passcode: eY9GxEixEU
기타 문의: jamessuh3823@korea.ac.kr


Scholars have long debated how globalization shapes support for the welfare state. We ask how cross-border mobility influences the attitudes of a group at the center of global economic integration: labor migrants. Evaluating this relationship is challenging because individuals who choose to migrate differ systematically from those who do not. Partnering with local governmental and non-governmental organizations in Mizoram, India, we conducted a randomized controlled trial connecting individuals seeking overseas employment with well-paying hospitality sector jobs in the Persian Gulf. We tracked subjects’ economic trajectories and political attitudes at three stages: before selection to the program, immediately prior to migration, and two years after migration. The opportunity to move overseas substantially improved individuals’ economic standing and confidence, with monthly wages more than twice as high in the treatment group as in the control group. Individuals who received these opportunities—even those who did not migrate—became significantly less supportive of taxation and redistribution. Our results illustrate how both the economic benefits and the “exit option” of migration alter individuals’ political preferences.